
English Art

o(⌒0⌒)o Good Morning o(⌒0⌒)o
Today Irina is coming for the December English Art lesson.
Today we are going to make a christmas tree and a rabbit with a lot of snowflakes.
♪♪\(^ω^\) Play Time ( /^ω^)/♪♪

Let's make the lunch for everybody.

SShhhh the baby is sleeping.

Here you are!! Thank you ^-^

♪♪\(^ω^\) Circle Time ( /^ω^)/♪♪

♪♪\(^ω^\) Walk Team ( /^ω^)/♪♪

♪♪\(^ω^\) Play Team ( /^ω^)/♪♪

♪♪\(^ω^\) English Art Team ( /^ω^)/♪♪


Lets draw a beautiful picture.

Time to make the snow.

And now let's put a shiny star.

The rabbit is finish ^^

♪♪\(^ω^\) Lunch Time ( /^ω^)/♪♪

♪♪\(^ω^\) Nap Time ( /^ω^)/♪♪


Bye-bye see you tomorrow for a funny friday 。(⌒∇⌒。)三(。⌒∇⌒)。