
Birthday Party

(~ー~oGood Morning (o~ー~)

Today, the Rabbit Team will make some bubbles in the veranda 
and the Panda Team will go to play in the park.
Then we are going to do the Birthday Party

Play Time ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

Circle Time ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

We are so happy (*^-^*) 

Rabbit Team ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

Panda Team ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

It's time to slide ^-^

Now, let's run!!!

Birthday Party ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

ヽ(゚・^*)^☆.。.:*・゚☆ Happy Birthday ☆゚・*:.。.☆^(*^・゚)ノ

Lunch Time ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

Nap Time ♪ヽ(*^▽゚ *)ゞ^ ヾ☆

See you tomorrow!(*^-')/~☆Bye-Bye♪