
Let's play in the sandbox

☆Hello!ヽ('ー')/ Hello!☆

Today we are going to make two teams.
The veranda team and the park team.

Let's spend a wonderful day together.

Play Time ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

We love the trains.

And we love to play with the babies too ^-^

Circle Time ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

 put your finger and your chin ^-^ put your finger on your arm (*^-^*)

Veranda Team ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

Park Team ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

Ready!!!! GO!!!!

Time to play in the sandbox

Lunch Time ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

It was really good!! I want more!!!

Nap Time ☆d(o⌒∇⌒o)b ★イエーイ★ d(o⌒∇⌒o)b☆

It was a funny day, see you tomorrow (⌒∇⌒)ノ""