
ヾ(^o^-) (o^ー^)o Good Morning o(^0^o*) (*^〇^*)ノ”
Today we are separate in to teams.
The veranda team and the walk team.
Play Time ( v^-^)⌒☆(^∇^*)v⌒☆

Our babies are cute *^-^* 

Boys Team \(^-^)/

It's green!!!

It's blue!!!

Circle Time  ( v^-^)⌒☆(^∇^*)v⌒☆

We love this song~♪♪♪♪


Hello Eddy. You're so funny ^-^

I-kun!!! Here I am (*^-^*)/

Veranda Team  ( v^-^)⌒☆(^∇^*)v⌒☆

Walk Team  ( v^-^)⌒☆(^∇^*)v⌒☆

Let's go to see the dogs, the cats, and more...

He's so cute ^-^ I want the same <3

Hello mister rabbit

I see a big turtle ^-^

Lunch Time  ( v^-^)⌒☆(^∇^*)v⌒☆

Nap Time  ( v^-^)⌒☆(^∇^*)v⌒☆

Bye-bye see tou tomorrow (*≧∇)k"((ヾ(≧∇≦)〃))