
Beautiful day for playing in the pool

><(((( ゚<.。o0 Good Morning 0o。.> ゚))))><
Let's have a wonderful thursday ~☆
Play Time (^○^)(^▽^)(^0^)

I will walk by myself soon *^^*

Circle Time (^○^)(^▽^)(^0^)

Run, run, run ≡≡≡ヘ(*゚∇゚)ノ

This is my nose, this is my head~♪

English is really fun d(゚ー゚d(゚ー゚d(゚ー゚d(゚ー゚)b゚ー゚)b゚ー゚)b゚ー゚)b

Hey everybody, it's time to wear your swimsuit ヽ(゚▽゚*)乂(*゚▽゚)ノ

Pool Time (^○^)(^▽^)(^0^)

Today Atsuko bring a waterproof camera, let's take some funny pictures o(≧∇≦o)(o≧∇≦)o 

Let's play a little before lunch time  ^^

I'm hungry, I'll go to see if everything is ready in the kitchen. v(o ̄∇ ̄o)

Lunch Time (^○^)(^▽^)(^0^)

Nap Time (^○^)(^▽^)(^0^)


ヾ(*^▽^*)oヾ(*^▽^*)oヾ(*^▽^*)o Bye-bye♪  See you tomorrow