
Let's go to the pool ヘ( ^0^)ノ

><(((( ゚<  Good Morning  > ゚))))><

Today it's the last day before the Summer Holidays,
the weather is goo so let's go to the pool and have some fun~☆

I'm riding a dinosaur!! so cool ^^

Pool is fun (~∇~* )ノ(*~∇~*)ノ ( *~∇~)ノ

Look at our new hat, cute isn't it??

I love to play with the swin ring oooOOO

me too ^^

let's play a little inside

I'm hungry, let's eat 旦o(^ー^o)

Nap Time {[(*-.-)(-。-)]} ...zzZZZ 

                             Bye-Bye everybody, see you next thursday. Have a wonderful holidays.
