
Let's go to the postbox (゚ー゚ )ノ⌒゚□

♪(((*^-^)八(^∇^*)))♪ Good Morning ♪(((*^-^)八(^∇^*)))♪
Today we are going to the postbox and we have the Ballet lesson.
It will be fun  *^^*
Walk Time ♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪♪~o(^0^o)~♪(o^0^)o~♪

Let's go to the postbox!!!


I did it with my mom <3 Happy!!
We did it!!!

Ballet Time ♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪♪~o(^0^o)~♪(o^0^)o~♪


Koala Team ♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪♪~o(^0^o)~♪(o^0^)o~♪

Good Job Kou-chan \(*^-^*)/

Lunch Time ♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪♪~o(^0^o)~♪(o^0^)o~♪

Nap Time ♪o(^0^o)♪~(o^0^)o ~♪♪~o(^0^o)~♪(o^0^)o~♪

Bye-Bye see you next Tuesday :*.;".*・;・^;・:\(*^▽^*)/:・;^・;・*.";.*: