
Monday it's Knock-knock English

(o^-')o∠☆:゚*' Hello!!!
Good morning everybody, let's play together on this beautiful monday.
Play Time and Circle Time (゚∇゚*)(。。*)(゚∇゚*)(。。*)

Knock-Knock English Time (゚∇゚*)(。。*)(゚∇゚*)(。。*)

Let's see the colors red, yellow and blue

OO It's time to make a circle OO

What's inside the mystery bag??

A boat, an airplane, a train and a car~

Good job, now it's time for a story *^^*

Bye-bye see you next week Amber (*-*)

Walk Team (゚∇゚*)(。。*)(゚∇゚*)(。。*)

Let's go!!!!!

Veranda Team(゚∇゚*)(。。*)(゚∇゚*)(。。*)

Lunch Time (゚∇゚*)(。。*)(゚∇゚*)(。。*)

Nap Time (゚∇゚*)(。。*)(゚∇゚*)(。。*)

Atsuko Sensei Happy Birthday. We wish you a wonderful day <3

Bye-Bye Everybody see you tomorrow 。( ゚∇゚)ノ_彡☆☆☆