
Lets wash the pool!!! o(*^∇)ノ^;+.☆.

ヽ(*゚▽゚)ノ~▽▼▽[Good Morning]▼▽▼~ヾ(゚▽゚*)ノ
Today it's friday the last day of the week, and the last time that we can go to the pool.
Let's clean up the pool today
ヽ( ゚▽゚)ノ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ Play Time ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ヽ(゚▽゚ )/

We love to play together, it's so fun *^^*

ヽ( ゚▽゚)ノ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ Circle Time ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ヽ(゚▽゚ )/

We are scared!!!!

Let's sing the ABC song ~♪

ヽ( ゚▽゚)ノ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ Pool Time ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ヽ(゚▽゚ )/
Let's clean up

Everything is clean ^^ good job everybody ==(/^o^)/

ヽ( ゚▽゚)ノ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ Lunch Time ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ヽ(゚▽゚ )/

ヽ( ゚▽゚)ノ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ Nap Time ☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ヽ(゚▽゚ )/

Bye-bye see you next monday <3