
Walk Team and Pool Team *^^*

☆Hey!ヽ('ー'#)/ Hello!☆
Lets spend a funny wednesday together
Play Time (*^o^*)(*^_^*)(*^ー^*)(*^ー^*)(*^O^*)

We love to play with the dolls 。.:♪*:・'(*⌒―⌒*)))

Milk Time *^^*

SHhhhh he is sleepy zzZZ

Circle Time  (*^o^*)(*^_^*)(*^ー^*)(*^ー^*)(*^O^*)

Pool Team  (*^o^*)(*^_^*)(*^ー^*)(*^ー^*)(*^O^*)

Pool is finish, let's play inside

Walk Team  (*^o^*)(*^_^*)(*^ー^*)(*^ー^*)(*^O^*)

we just met Hana Capa ^^

Tea Time ( ´・ω・`)_且~~

Let's play before lunch time

Lunch Time   (*^o^*)(*^_^*)(*^ー^*)(*^ー^*)(*^O^*)

Nap Time   (*^o^*)(*^_^*)(*^ー^*)(*^ー^*)(*^O^*)

☆⌒(*^-^*)ノ~♪Bye-bye see you tomorrow, have a good afternoon♪~ヾ(*^-^*)⌒☆